Corporate Wellness Programs

Measurable, Sustainable, and Lasting Results for C-Level Executives and Corporate Executives


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Corporate Wellness Programs

C-level Executives are operating at higher stress levels today than ever before; often, putting themselves and their families on the brink of physical and emotional distress.

Our Corporate Wellness Program uncovers the underlying causes of emotional and physical exhaustion and provides effective and proven methods for creating and sustaining work/life balance. Your greatest asset, your staff, will achieve more in less time, with more enjoyment taking your company to a whole new level of performance.

“The number of individuals who are overstressed, overworked, overweight and completely unhealthy is mind-boggling.”
  • Almost 3 out of 5 people in corporate America are suffering from chronic stress, anxiety, and when people are under stress, their everyday lives become chaotic and off balance, often resorting to unhealthy substitutes (caffeine, alcohol, sleeping medications, etc.), poor decision making, underperformance, and erratic relationships.
  • Without the right nutrition, exercise, adequate sleep, and the right emotional support, they will inevitably underperform in both their professional and personal lives and increase their risk for illness and disease

Every Year a Staggering $300 Billion is Spent on Stress Related Health Care and Missed Work.

The Executive InnerFitness® Corporate Wellness Program is a breakthrough in sustainable physical and emotional fitness for highly stressed, high-performance individuals

We do not subscribe to erratic, high stress and dangerous exercise regimens that would potentially land your people in a hospital hooked up to an IV drip that flushes the kidneys due to super high intensity workouts. Your employees will adopt habits that gradually lead them to permanent healthy lifestyle changes, such as increased physical activity, healthy nutrition choices and increased sense of well-being. It inspires everyone to set personal health, fitness, and life goals, and allows them to easily monitor their progress while staying motivated and active through the power of awareness. They will make better decisions, create better relationships, and optimize their work performance through accountability and benchmarks.

“When your executives are able to incorporate these skills and tools into their mindset, productivity rises. Critical thinking is enhanced while decision making becomes more effective as a result of the improved clarity in analyzing information gathered from various sources.”

We teach sustainable lifestyle changes.

Our Executive InnerFitness® proven methodology retrains your team’s mindset and perspective on what is healthy and safe as well as providing them with the accountability to sustain their newfound lifestyle. This revolutionary program is a breakthrough in behavioral engagement practice. It will encourage you to adopt habits that will gradually lead to permanent healthy lifestyle changes, such as increased physical activity, healthy nutrition choices and increased sense of well-being and awareness. It will inspire you to set personal health, fitness, and life goals, and then allow you to easily monitor your progress while staying motivated and active. The use of behavioral engagement practice to hold people accountable for their health has been shown to be extremely effective.

External Motivation Combined with Internal Inspiration is the Key to Success.

5 Transforming Days with Executive InnerFitness®

Our on-site, intensive 5-Day Executive InnerFitness® Corporate Wellness Program jumpstarts your team’s wellness, changing their internal self-image to build confidence and self-worth. We inspire them to change habits that are no longer serving their goals (and, in some cases, may be hurting them.) Your team will create positive life changes based on their own personal needs and preferences. We will cover the principles of physical, mental, and emotional transformation and design and implement a unique program that is tailored to suit each team member. They will be given the knowledge and practical tools necessary to support their progress in their day-to-day life.

InnerFitness® Corporate Wellness Program Core Components

Up to 12 of Your Selected Executive Team Members will receive:

  • Daily Executive InnerFitness®
  • Individual Fitness and Wellness
  • Afternoon Workout
  • On Location Individual One-on-one Wellness Consultations
  • Individualized Nutritional Plans (Sent shortly after the )
  • Individualized Exercise Plans (Sent shortly after the )
  • Follow-up Weekly Coaching Sessions (90 Days)
  • InnerFitness Book, Manuals and Other Study

Follow-up 90-Day Private One-on-One Coaching Sessions

Over the course of the Personal One-on-one Coaching Program, we will assist and carefully monitor your progress for a full 90 days. Each session offers both the inspiration and practical means necessary to help you attain your goals and recognize your true potential. We will investigate the correlation between mind, body, and emotions to promote health, vitality and serenity.

Our intention is to help you discover new resources, which will enable you to access your inherent power to facilitate positive change. We provide both the personal attention and total support necessary, to help you overcome your personal challenges and areas of self-doubt. We work to reveal underlying core issues that are hindering your progress and go well beyond prescribing a panacea. We are therefore only able to accommodate committed individuals that are exploring their personal growth. During the program, you will be encouraged to develop the depth and quality of the relationship you have with yourself, this will enable you to go beyond self-criticism and the boundaries of restrictive beliefs. You will learn to harmonize the receptive and assertive sides of your nature, to access your full potential and maintain a state of balance. (Provided through live teleconferencing or telephone.)

“When your executives are able to incorporate these skills and tools into their mindset, productivity rises. Critical thinking is enhanced while decision making becomes more effective as a result of the improved clarity in analyzing information gathered from various sources.”

Mindset • Meditation • Rest • Nutrition • Exercise • Emotional Balance • Energy • Time Management

You will benefit from the program if you:
  • Are overstressed, overworked and ready to snap
  • Suffer from stress and anxiety
  • Have tried everything else and failed
  • Hold a distorted body image
  • Are stuck at a certain weight and fat set point
  • Find diet or exercise alone don’t work
  • Struggle with an eating disorder
  • Are highly critical of your body
  • Lack self-motivation
  • Have difficulty finding the time to consider a health regime
  • Need to achieve a state of balance
  • Wish to increase your fitness levels and maximize your results
  • Are struggling with addiction
Are you challenged by negative habits?
  • Have hit a plateau
  • Are in a rut and need support and inspiration
  • Wish to develop your level of confidence
  • Would like to transform your negative beliefs
  • Wish to set a new healthy structure to your life

We Develop Skills and Provide Tools to Achieve Sustainable Results.

Executive InnerFitness® Core Values

  • Behavior change starts in the mind. The Executive InnerFitness® program helps you develop the mindset necessary to navigate the difficult path of changing I create thoughtful coaching relationships by talking less and providing fewer answers. As a result, I help you find your own answers by “listening until I don’t exist” and asking compelling and relevant questions in a way that leads you to confront your truths and decide to take action.
  • This Program is based on a systematic coaching process, based on behavioral science principles that empower you to engage your mind as well as your body to:
  • Become more self-aware – where you are at currently and where you want to
  • Dig deeper to find and engage your
  • Take responsibility for the difficult path of behavior
  • Create personal fitness and life
  • Commit to and be accountable for weekly, quarterly, and annual behavioral
  • Overcome obstacles to reach and sustain a higher level of fitness
  • Gain confidence in your ability to
  • Accomplish more than you thought was

Total Focus Is on What You Want to Achieve.

What can you expect from the program?

  • The motivation, inspiration, and practical tools necessary to alter your fitness level, reduce stress & anxiety, reduce weight & body fat, tone and strengthen your body and maintain a state of balance and long-lasting
  • A profound
  • Total focus is on what you want to achieve and how I can enable you to reach your goals and true core
  • Offers a profound level of support and
  • Welcome information about your history as it serves to help motivate or change
  • I find out what makes you
  • I listen without
  • I help you become more open, curious, truthful, focused, and self-directed.
  • I help you become your own coach and an example to everyone around

Successful Mentorship Programs Are Based on Establishing Powerful Relationships and Trust.

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